6 September 1995
Publications - Tourism (Good)
Space Tourism Options
Business Week article reflects Italian tourism paper
by Carol Pinchefsky

A Business Week article describes what Italian space tourism advocate Dr. Pierluigi Polignano has written about space tourism.

In his paper, New Frontiers of Tourism, Dr. Polignano says that space tourism is flexible enough to account for more than one style of travel, which makes it appealing to innovators and early adopters of novelty. The article highlights a range of space tourism options, a $200,000 Virgin Galactic flight or a $20 million eight-day trip to the International Space Station.

As Business Week has probably had no access to the Italian paper, it's interesting to note that the mainstream press--and the market--is finally catching up to space tourism advocates.

A translated version of Dr. Polignano's paper will become available on Space Future at a later date.
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Carol Pinchefsky 6 September 1995
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