15 April 2008
Other - General (Strange)
Spaceballs: Baseball Comes to the ISS
Season’s opening pitch to be thrown at ludicrous speed
by Carol Pinchefsky
Throwing the first pitch of the baseball season is an honor typically reserved for dignitaries such as presidents, mayors, baseball hall-of-famers, and, um, Lillian Carter.

Tomorrow, the first ball of the season will be tossed by American astronaut Garrett Reisman aboard the International Space Station ( ISS), according to an article on MSNBC.

Virtually, that is. Although one can imagine the ball burning up in the atmosphere, searing innocent bystanders with fiery shreds of leather as it plunges earthward.

In reality, the first ball will be tossed only within the ISS, “with video of the event beamed to a giant screen inside the stadium,” reports the article.

The two teams playing are famed nemeses: the New York Yankees and the Boston Red Sox. Reisman is a professed Yankees fan. Rumours of a Red Sox jersey concealed behind an instrument panel could not be confirmed.
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Carol Pinchefsky 15 April 2008
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